Sunday, October 16, 2005

Was mene Leben (May 20th 1939)

On Saturday the 20th of May, das mene Leben (edit: sp?) began. I call it the new life for so it was for me after several weeks of inner disturbance and restlessness of soul. My surroundings were changed from the life in a German family to that of a German Schulerheim. How this happened? It was entirely my doing - after sleepless nights and many unhappy hours, I made the decision. But that was a sad story and better to be forgotten. Now everything is peace again and life flows, bringing with it many new interests.

On Friday I spent the loneliest day + I think that the unhappiest of my life alone at home, in the HorianigaBe at home, though no longer at home. There was little left for me to eat, and I longed for some fruit and searched up, down to find a fruit shop. Nothing, nothing at all but figs + dates + O joy, lemons. I bought some, and with the addition of sugar, made me a fruit salad. This made a good meal with a first course of bread and cheese!

In the morning, I had dealt with the police and the post office etc - i.e. I had announced my intention to change my address. I bought flowers and decorated the rooms. In the afternoon I packed, and then waited the return of the family. I could not work. It was hot and I was restless for the next day.

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