Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Not Severed

The first day - Sunday; most of the children, on account of it being Muttertag, had gone home. I went into the Bury Kappelle (church) and peace was restored to my soul. Peace surfed, wafted and settled within me. I came back, along the wet, shining streets a new person. In the afternoon Dela telephoned + I knew our friendship was not severed.

Life here is well ordered. Breakfast, 7. Mittagessen 2:30. Abendessen 7.

Yesterday I betook myself off at 8 in the morning in the rain to explore the new district, it is near the Kai, the oldest part of town, with many narrow alleys + steps twisting round corners between the houses from one level to a higher one. There I found a quaint wee cjircj lmpwm as Ruprechbehurch - the oldest in Wier, older even than the Stephausdom, a nearby onlooker informed me. I bought a repecimemtel (edit - sp?) + a real leather tasche + came joyful home at 11:30 + settled down in the charmingly though simply furnished waiting room.

After dinner, I went up to the Klub, but not meeting anyone in particular, went straight to the Kus. As usual I was too early, but it didn't matter as I was able to learn a poem - the Konig in Thule from Goette which was set as homework.

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