Tuesday, December 27, 2005

24. Mai

Ah, cold water is good on a sunny morning. God be thanked the weather is clearing up and at the weekend - wir fahren in die Wachau (?) [edit: we drive into the Wachau]. I think I shall never be able to rise at half 7. My room companions were already dressed as I woke up. I had indeed heard the stirring call of Frau Dr. Schmidt, but went promptly to sleep again. I came down half an hour later. The rooms were being turned out and I joyfully breakfasted on bread and coffee in the kitchen. How the sun shines - and the sky is blue. I have written a letter and will hasten forth and test the heat of the air. Perhaps it will not be too cold for a much longed for swim... (9.5 Uhr) [edit: half past 9]

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